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The war is not only devastating for Ukraine; the consequences are felt far beyond Europe's borders. 从军事角度看, 这场冲突暴露了许多失败:“世界各国政府, NATO and, moreover, 作为一个行业,我们正在密切关注和分析乌克兰的战术和动态. Because there is also something to learn from every crisis – for our own security as well as other conflicts,弗雷德里克·哈塞尔解释道, 星际网赌导航高级公共事务顾问. 在他看来, there are already many lessons to be learned: from the restrained arms policy of recent years to the efficiency of modern weapons systems, 还有一个民族以难以置信的力量为自由而战的意志力.


乌克兰战争尚未结束,世界各地的专家对任何预测都持谨慎态度, partly because Russia's strategy in the first twelve months of the war raised many questions and continues to do so today. 例如,为什么中国还没有将其空域优势用于军事用途? 是无法作为一个整体行动,还是背后有其他的考虑? “如果你回顾一下过去,你会感到非常惊讶. 空中力量在第二次世界大战中已经非常重要了,比如诺曼底战役. 伊拉克战争也是如此, 美国在几个小时内获得了空域控制权,随后赢得了所有的袭击,弗雷德里克·哈塞尔解释道. What is already apparent is that Russia will be a different enemy in the future for which the West must prepare: "Before the Cold War, 俄罗斯是一个超级大国. 冷战结束后, 俄罗斯非常强大, 至少是区域性的, 还拥有大量的大规模杀伤性武器(WMD). 现在俄罗斯正在成为一个拥有大规模杀伤性武器和网络能力的流氓国家."

究竟是俄罗斯还是乌克兰赢得这场战争,还要看情况, 无论如何, 在为其定义的参数上. “据说俄罗斯已经在出售带有新国界的地图. 这可能表明弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)对目前被占领的领土感到担忧.哈塞尔(Fredrik Hassel)等专家认为,征服整个乌克兰是不现实的. However, 永久占领一块领土是可以想象的, 尽管代价很高, 也就是大量的受害者. Only time will tell whether Ukraine can counter Russia in the long run and the backing of international supporters will continue to be crucial for Ukraine.


西方对俄罗斯的侵略战争感到惊讶. 尽管东欧国家对普京的残暴和无情发出了警告. 德国、法国、瑞典、丹麦甚至西班牙等国都忽视了这些信号. They thought that it would be possible to integrate Russia into our Western social model until the very end,哈塞尔解释道。. Russia's annexation of Crimea already called into question the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states in 2014. 随着2022年冲突的升级, there are now fears that similar conflicts could arise in other parts of Europe or the world if the international community is unable to protect states accordingly and send a clear signal to aggressors.

只有团结起来,美国才能, 近几个月来,北约和欧盟加大了对俄罗斯的压力. 因此,联盟的重要性与日俱增. 这场战争造成了迄今不存在的国际军事合作, 加强北约. Finland and Sweden have both applied to join the military alliance and Germany has massively increased its arms budget. 芬兰是我们的近邻,瑞典是理想的后勤基地, there are brand new opportunities for NATO to be able to actually protect and defend the Baltic States in a conventional sense.“这是弗拉基米尔·普京肯定没有预料到的事态发展.

没有欧盟的武器和弹药供应, 美国和北约成员国, 今天乌克兰的情况可能会有所不同. 这是悲哀的,但却是真实的. Apparently, 是一场战争唤醒了欧洲,巩固了国际社会,弗雷德里克·哈塞尔说, 星际网赌导航高级公共事务顾问. The EU is once again realising how important common foreign policy is and that it cannot afford to neglect defence and armament policy. Members of the European Parliament have called on the EU to use provisions of the EU Treaty that allow the European Council to make certain decisions without military consequences by qualified majority rather than unanimously, 特别是有关制裁和人权的决定. 此外, EU institutions have been invited to suggest proposals on how to achieve and ensure the EU's own permanent seat in all multilateral fora, 包括联合国安理会.



NATO in particular faces the complex task of persuading its members to increase their defence budgets over the coming years in order to strengthen their military capabilities. 这是应对威胁和确保可信威慑的唯一途径. Indeed, 通过声明, 北约成员国不仅要有能力保护自己,也要有能力保护其他国家. 实现这一目标可能是一个挑战, 争论说, because, after all, the focus so far has been more on research and development: "We are currently seeing bottlenecks in some areas. 欧盟和北约将不得不讨论如何确保未来的生产能力, 在和平时期, 为了在最真实的意义上为任何冲突做好准备."

他说,系统兼容性也必须得到鼓励. Ukraine demonstrates this well as weapons and ammunition come from a wide variety of countries and from different manufacturers. “在国家和部门之间建立联系的新型合作是未来. 我相信,这将使我们更加强大." At Saab, the versatility of systems and the ability to continuously develop and adapt systems have always been important pillars in development. 尽管战争惨烈, Fredrik Hassel认为行业内不断增加的对话和交流是一个积极的发展.

速度在每一次冲突中都起着重要作用. This takes on a different perspective in the case of Ukraine because the weapon systems supplied are partly unknown to the Ukrainians and there is no time for extensive training and education. “我对乌克兰的战斗人员非常尊重和感激. They’re managing to use and maintain weapons – some of which are new – efficiently and they’re making a great impact with clever logistics. 很少有一个民族表现出如此坚定的保卫自己和国家的决心, 甚至不回避残酷的攻击."



乌克兰的战斗主要是用常规武器进行的, 但网络攻击也时有发生. 无人驾驶车辆和无人机第一次在双方都获得了巨大的成功. 廉价的微型无人机也成为了战争中的重要武器,尽管它们的打击能力很低.

反坦克武器, 特别是星际网赌导航NLAW(下一代轻型反坦克武器), 在乌克兰战争中特别有效. 英国军队, 是哪个国家向乌克兰提供了数千枚这样的武器, 已经为NLAWs下了一个新的大订单. 此外, the US government has announced its intention to deliver the GLSDB (Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb) to Ukraine. 该系统自2014年以来一直在开发中,星际网赌导航正在与波音公司合作开发. 该系统可在所有天气条件下部署. 弹头有很小的, foldable wings that allow it to fly more than 100 kilometres after being launched from an aircraft (up to 150 kilometres from the ground) and hit targets as small as one metre in diameter. The system could enable Ukraine to hit valuable military targets that were previously out of reach and help Ukraine continue its counter-attacks by disrupting Russian areas of retreat.

根据英国情报机构, 到目前为止,星际网赌导航的武器在对抗俄罗斯的战斗中一直很有效. 在2022年底举行的第21届柏林安全会议上被问及这一问题, 星际网赌导航首席执行官迈克尔•约翰逊表示:“听到这个消息我并不感到惊讶. 当然,使用我们的武器是可悲的. 但如果有必要的话, 然后,它们也必须是有效的,并服务于它们的目的. 这是我们的要求."



自从乌克兰战争爆发以来, 媒体对世界上其他动乱地区保持沉默, 比如中国大陆和台湾之间不断发酵的冲突, 或者中东. 然而,乌克兰在很多方面都可以成为榜样. 乌克兰或许能够影响冲突各方和支持者. “例如, 美国希望得到欧洲对其援助乌克兰的支持, 与中国的关系是否应该升级,哈塞尔解释道.

但他警告不要过多地比较这些冲突, 因为:“在乌克兰与俄罗斯作战与与中国作战非常不同. 而在乌克兰,重点是地面作战, 中国大陆和台湾之间的冲突可能升级, 重点将更多地放在空军和海军上. Moreover, 中国是一个高科技国家,在某些技术领域可能优于西方.相反,应该利用国际社会的力量向中国发出一个明确的信号. “对台湾, 无论如何, the resistance of the Ukrainian people could serve as a model to become even more self-confident and rely even more greatly than before on its allies to deter China." Hassel does not want to rely on whether China will also learn its lessons from the war and realise that it is not so easy to take over a country through military force, 即使它看起来更强大.


The current conflict has made us aware that peace cannot be taken for granted and states must prepare for possible war so that they are able to defend themselves. 乌克兰战争表明,薄弱的军事防御为侵略者提供了动力. 更小更弱的国家, it is particularly important that they have sufficient defence capability to be able to protect themselves against possible attacks. “东欧国家正在清除所有苏联库存, 在未来几年,他们将不得不用现代西方武器取代这些武器. 俄罗斯也将意识到,它不再拥有昔日的实力, 在第二次世界大战中战胜纳粹. 它将改变其发动战争的方式,西方也必须为此做好准备,弗雷德里克·哈塞尔总结道, 星际网赌导航高级公共事务顾问.



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